9:30-9:50 |
Registration |
9:50-10:00 |
Opening Remark |
10:00-12:00 |
PG Course: Big data revolution – Integrating various omics datasets |
좌장: 박용민(건국의대), 손명현(연세의대) |
1. Understanding and clinical application of metabolomics |
조주연(서울의대) |
2. Introduction of clinical proteomics and its application for allergy |
김경곤(울산의대) |
3. Application of lipidomics and metabolomics in skin-related diseases research |
류광현(경북대) |
4. Multiomics approach to understand allergic disease |
원성호(서울대) |
12:00-12:40 |
Luncheon symposium |
좌장: 박준수(순천향의대) |
Component-resolved diagnostics in food allergy |
이정민(연세원주의대) |
12:40-13:00 |
Coffee Break |
13:00-14:40 |
Oral presentation 1 |
좌장: 한만용(차의대), 정진아(동아의대) |
14:40-15:00 |
Coffee Break |
15:00-16:20 |
35th Anniversary KAPARD research symposium: KAPARD study groups research, present and future |
좌장: 이수영(아주의대)/홍수종(울산의대) |
연구회 소개 및 참석자 소개 |
축사: 이수영 |
1. Food Allergy and Atopic Dermatitis (FAAD) |
2. Korean Childhood Asthma Research (KARES) |
3. Rhinitis Research |
4. Pneumonia & Respiratory Diseases |
5. Sleep Research |
6. Healthcare Informatics Clinical Application Research (HICAR) |
7. Korean Epidemiology Research |
panel discussion: The future of research for Korean pediatric allergy and respiratory disease |
16:20-16:40 |
Coffee Break |
16:40-17:30 |
Year-in-Review |
좌장: 유영(고려의대) |
Pediatric allergy |
서주희(단국의대) |
Pediatric pulmonology |
이경석(한양의대) |
17:30-17:50 |
Dinner symposium |
좌장: 임대현(인하의대) |
Management of allergic airway disease in children: anti-histamines combined with leukotriene receptor antagonists |
김창근(인제의대) |
18:00-19:00 |
Dinner |